Thursday, March 25, 2010

In Class Blog: Heritage

Talk about importance of having literature that relates to culture/heritage. How can you connect with your Hispanic students with your culture?

It is so extremely important for students to learn about other cultures other than their own. It is also important for students to learn about their own culture. In the real world, students will come into contact with cultures that are similar and different to their own, and we as teachers must prepare them for those interactions.

This makes me think how interesting it would be for everyone to research their family and where their family originally came from, like a modern day Roots. To me, this would be very beneficial for students to find out about their family's ancestors, their struggles, where they came from, and how they came to be in the United States of America. I would also partake in this activity as well, especially since I have no idea where my family originates from. All I know is that my family calls ourselves a Heinz 57, because we are a little bit of everything. I know that I am mostly Luthuanian and Czechoslavakian. I am also German, Irish, and Russian.

Another fantastic way for students and teachers to connect with each other is through "I am" or "I am from" poems. Each student could write their own, and write one from another person's (fictional or nonfictional) perspective. They would then present these to the class, and would reflect on what they learned about the cultures that were represented.

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